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20 august 2020
Chance to Win a Compact Leica Camera!

When did you use a camera for the last time? We would like you to remember this forgotten feeling and try the best compact cameras on the market from Leica.

Borrow a camera for a test-drive at Leica Store GUM, take a couple of interesting photos, post them to Instagram with our hashtag #LeicaGUMPhoto and get a chance to have a master-class about shooting with Leica compact cameras and to win a Leica C-Lux.

Book a test drive of a Leica compact camera via the following link.

20 august
Chance to Win a Compact Leica Camera!

When did you use a camera for the last time? We would like you to remember this forgotten feeling and try the best compact cameras on the market from Leica.

Borrow a camera for a test-drive at Leica Store GUM, take a couple of interesting photos, post them to Instagram with our hashtag #LeicaGUMPhoto and get a chance to have a master-class about shooting with Leica compact cameras and to win a Leica C-Lux.

Book a test drive of a Leica compact camera via the following link.

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